John Maguire

Newspaper Articles

The Morning Call (San Francisco, California) - April 3, 1890

The McCabe Complimentary

Manager John Maguire of the Grand Opera House, whose knowledge of the theatrical profession is only exceeded by his kindness and consideration for the members of it, when occasion demands, has concluded, on account of the necessity for more elaborate preparation, to postpone the grand complimentary matinee benefit for the veteran professional, Mr. John H. McCabe, till Thursday, April 10th. He has been indefatigable in concentrating talent for the occasion. Miss Maggie Moore (Mrs. J. C. Williamson) will do her famous "Nan, the Good-for-Nothing." Miss Julia Stuart, a pretty and graceful actress, an act of "Pygmalion and Galatea." The Grismer-Davies Company will lend its aid, and then "Evangeline" Company also. The Hallen and Hart combination will put in an appearance, and we are to have as well the great tank scene in "A Dark Secret." It was thought at one time the Kendals would help this laudable proposition. They find, however, that their dates forbid it. But we think a very enjoyable afternoon will be had even without the adjuvancy of our English visitors. Let there be a rally for this testimonial. Those who give to the poor lend to the Lord, and, as Dean Swift said once in a charity sermon, "If you like the security, down with your dust."

The Morning Call (San Francisco, California) - April 3, 1890

Manager John Maguire leaves for the Northwest Thursday week on important professional business.

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